Your premises, walls and ceilings in perfect hygiene conditions
The most economical, fast and clean is to cover, with our sanitary hygienic coating Placsell® we cover everything.
Whether tile, tochana, brick, block, plaster, cork, sheet, panel, etc.
Easy assembly, no works or odors and no need to stop installations.
Placsell Sanitario Industrial (PSI)
Other Placsell® products
In addition to the PSI. The brand's flagship product, the Placsell® family, with the intention of covering all the needs that the food, healthcare and hospital market demands, offers us a wide range of solutions, all in sanitary coatings and complementary products.
Placsell® Sanitario Decorativo (PSD)

Essential to cover shops, kitchens, market stalls, supermarkets, changing rooms, laboratories, car washes, cooked dishes, etc. and in general all those premises that in addition to the sanitary level require a higher decorative level.
Placsell® Sanitario Antimicrobiano (PSA)

Essential to cover hospitals, operating rooms, ICUs, nurses, laboratories, clean rooms, nursing homes, neonatal rooms, burn rooms, etc. and in general all those surfaces that must be free of all types of germs, viruses and bacteria.
Placsell® Sanitario Techos (PST)

Ideal for all types of premises that require sanitary or decorative finish, as it is very practical, low weight and very easy to clean.
Complementary products

The Placsell® family also has other complementary products for the protection and finishing of related surfaces within the sanitary / food sector.