Placsell® Sanitario Industrial (PSI).
Placsell®is particularly suitable for cladding walls and ceilings in industrieswhere, due to the nature of their activities, require ahigh level of hygieneand sanitation free of bacteria.
We can highlight the following:
- Slaughterhouses & quartering rooms.
- Refrigerating chambers for food products.
- Atmosphere controlled chambers.
- Dairies and milking rooms.
- Fish and derivative products.
- Farms.
- Silos and facilities used to store grain and feed.
- Indoor growing rooms.
- Bread and pastry production and the production of related products.
- Dairy and related products.
- The sugar industry.
- School classrooms and corridors.
- Changing rooms at production plants and sports facilities.
- Stores and warehouses.
- Laboratories.

and many more in the industrial and health sector.