ADVANTAGES OF COATING THE WALLS AND CEILINGS OF YOUR FACILITIES Revestimiento PSI Placsell® Sanitario Industrial 12/12/2020

Revestimientos Coberplast. Sala cárnica


There is life beyond painting. When giving a new look to a room, we can add a plus if we cover the walls and ceilings with materials that can help us in many aspects, including:

  1. 1.- To comply with the health regulations that the European market requires of us.
  2. 2.- To cover the imperfections that give rise to the proliferation of bacteria.
  3. 3.- To improve aesthetically, giving greater clarity and clarity in the room.
  4. 4.- To reduce costs, since it avoids us having to paint every so often, since it is a material that is for life.

Placsell® (Sealed Plates) in all its forms, can be defined, after more than 50 years being installed in Europe, as the best system existing today for the rehabilitation and new construction of walls and ceilings, whatever their condition and situation.

With the intention of covering all the needs that the sanitary market demands, our Placsell® sanitary hygienic coating complies with sanitary regulations and offers us a wide range of solutions, all in sanitary coating.

Revestimiento COBERPLAST has a wide network of installers and distributors throughout Spain and Portugal through which we can cover all the needs that the industry demands of us in this field, either through the sale of material and advice on assembly or through offers to closed price including installation.

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